Moonscape / Snowscape

December 12, 2009

We have a book for the boys called Snowflake Bentley, about a real guy, born in 1865 in Vermont, who was obsessed with snowflakes and devoted his life to photographing them. It’s a neat book, and beautifully illustrated, and the guy, Bentley, just loves to look at snowflakes and looks forward to every winter. I also look forward to every winter, but what I’m really into is the way snow and ice settles on the ground. I mean, sometimes I don’t love how it settles on the sidewalk outside my house, or on my car, but the way bubbles form in ice puddles, the way snow drifts, these are things that delight me endlessly. I love stepping on ice bubbles so much that I used to keep track of the particular conditions that were most likely to give rise to them. (I am a nerd.) Anyway, after the winter’s first snow a few days ago, there was a relatively warm day, then everything froze again. It made the snow on the field by Max’s elementary school look cool and otherwordly:

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